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NOW 2008

MiniFest of NOW Documentaries



The first edition of the MiniFest of documentaries, a selection of audiovisual works dealing with the seven NOW themes from new angles and perspectives.


With the recent explosion of the documentary genre, the MiniFest proposes a crosswise thematic approach, highlighting interconnections between different schools of thought and human knowledge. The selection of documentaries presented deals with the very latest themes in a lucid way and does an accurate analysis of the situation while, at the same time, offering openings and solutions.
In most cases, the works have not previously been shown in Barcelona. Those that have are ones that continue to be particularly current and capable of generating debate.
In order to explore this capacity for generating debate, the documentaries are accompanied by a presentation given by an expert on the themes in question, followed by a public debate.

VOSC. Original language version with subtitles in Catalan
VOSE. Original language version with subtitles in Spanish
VOS (English). Original language version with subtitles in English
VE. Version dubbed in Spanish

Thursday November 27

5 pm Presentation by Raquel Paricio,

5.10 pm Das Netz, 2003, 121'. Directed by Lutz Dammbeck. VOSE
An exploration of the links between technology, art and thought, where the terrorist Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) is the pivotal figure.

5.15 pm Digitale Handerbeit, 2008, 28'. Directed by Alexandra Weltz. VOSC
On waste and worker exploitation generated globally by the Chinese computer hard disc industry.

7.45 pm Debate moderated by Raquel Paricio

8.15 pm Presentation by Gustavo Duch, Vets without Borders

8.25 pm How to Save the World (One Man, One Cow, One Planet), Première, 2007, 56'. Directed by Tom and Barbara Burstyn. VOSC
The story of Peter Proctor, father of bio-dynamic agriculture, who attempts to counter the plague of transnational companies' single-crop agriculture in India.

9.25 pm Debate moderated by Gustavo Duch

9.55 pm Close

Friday November 28

4.30 pm Mind Walk, 1990, 112' - Première. Directed by Bernt Capra. VOSE
An encounter between an ecology scientist (Liv Ullman), a poet (John Heard) and a politician (Sam Waterston) at Mont Saint Michel. Script by Fritjof Capra.

6.30 pm Presentation by Gemma Galdón, RiSc Observatory

6.40 pm Muto, S.D., 7'16''. Directed by Blu. Première

The Reverse Graffiti Project, 2008, 3'23''. Directed by Doug Pray

Ossario, 3'22'', 2006, directed by Big Bonsai

6.50 pm Bomb It - Première. 2007, 93'. Directed by Jon Reiss. VOSE
Delving deep into graffiti culture in a number of cities around the world, this documentary is an intimate and global depiction of a widespread yet penalised form of "artivism". In collaboration with DOCSDF.

8.25 pm Debate moderated by Gemma Galdón

9 pm Close

Saturday November 29

4.30 pm Technocalyps (Part One), Première, 2006, 60'. Directed by Frank Theis. VOSC
Frank Theis searches for the scientific, ethical and metaphysical dimensions of technological development, and probes into the concept of transhumanism.

5.35 pm Presentation by Manel Mayol, documentary film director

5.45 pm Apaga y vámonos ("Turn the Lights Off and Go"), 2005, 87'. Directed by Manel Mayol
Documentary on the construction of the Ralco hydroelectric power station at the Bío Bío river by Endesa, and the consequences for the inhabitants of the area.

7.15 pm Debate moderated by Manel Mayol

7.45 pm Presentation by Jordi Pigem, Science Phylosopher and writer*

7.55 pm The 11th Hour, 2007, 95'. Directed by Nadia Conners. VOSE
A look at the current ecological crisis from fenomena such as famines, draughts or floods. Narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio.

9.25 pm Debate moderated by Jordi Pigem

9.45 pm Close

*Substituting Dr. Octavi Piulats

Sunday November 30

5 pm Under Construction, 2007, 10'. Directed by Zhenchen Liu. VOS (English)

5.10 pm Towards a Sustainable Future, 2004, 52'. Directed by Basile Vignes. VOSE
Shows how a barren town can be turned into fertile land (Auroville) by means of renewable energies.

6.15 pm Presentation by Miquel Ortega, Director of the magazine Ecología Política

6.25 pm El bien común: el asalto final ("Shared Assets: The Final Attack") Première, 2002, 63'. Directed by Carole Poliquin. VOSE
Highlights the dangers associated with the appropriation of humankind's common assets (water, health, genes, knowledge) by private companies.

7.30 pm Inside USA: The Politics of Rice, Première, 2008, 55'. An Al Jazeera production. VOSE
In Haiti, rice imports from the United States mean that its inhabitants, most of whom are living in poverty, depend on that country to survive.

8.25 pm Debate moderated by Miquel Ortega

8.55 pm Close


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