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Meditations on fury

IX Marçalianes 2023


Free with pre-booking

Different writers and artists celebrate the legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal in an event dedicated to explore the influence of fury in the work and thought of the writer.


Women writers, however, like everyone born in the fate of an oppressed culture, have been pushed to make a choice, to the effort, to the challenge of recovering, of inventing ourselves, of creating another memory, another tradition.

I ask myself: can women's fury become creative?

Maria-Mercè Marçal – Sota el signe del drac [Under the sign of the dragon]


From the text Meditacions sobre la fúria, by Maria-Mercè Marçal, comes a new edition of the Marçalianes. In a talk with Neus Aguado Giménez (L'ominosa omissió com a punt de partida), Caterina Riba Sanmartí (Fúries entre els versos) and Fina Llorca Antolín (Articular la veu de la Fúria) will analyze the fury in the work and thought of the poet.

Then, Maria Rodó de Zárate (El lesbianisme feminista de Maria-Mercè Marçal, avui), Júlia Ojeda Caba (El feminisme nacionalista català. Una actualització hereditària) and Georgina Monge López (Dones i lletres: Desigualtats de gènere en l'àmbit literari) will talk about the legacy of Marçal's furies.

The Marçalianes will also feature performances by visual artist Francesca Llopis Planas and singer Gemma Humet Alsius.

The event is moderated by journalist and poet Aina Torres Rexach of the Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation.

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Meditations on fury

IX Marçalianes 2023

From the text Meditacions sobre la fúria, different writers and artists celebrate the legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal in an event dedicated to explore the influence of fury in the work and thought of the writer.

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