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Sunday in the Courtyard

Madness and Suspicion

Ricardo Campos, Daniel Gasol and Lola Matamala


Free with pre-booking

Ricardo Campos talks to Daniel Gasol and Lola Matamala on the occasion of the publication of La sombra de la sospecha [The Shadow of Suspicion] (Catarata 2022).


In La sombra de la sospecha (Catarata 2022) Ricardo Campos studies how criminal law has used psychiatry to justify prejudices about the dangerous nature of mental illness. 

In this conversation with the cultural worker Daniel Gasol – author of the artistic project Vagos, maleantes y peligrosidad social [Vagrants, Miscreants and Social Danger] – moderated by Lola Matamala, we will talk about how the consequences of those practices are still present today despite the repeal of the vagrancy law in 1978. 

This activity is part of Sunday in the Courtyard

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