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Amors on FIRE!!

Loves on FIRE!! 2019

Series of films



Through a selection made by FIRE!!, the Barcelona LGBT Film Festival, of feature films, documentaries and short films, Loves on FIRE!! offers you an unconventional Valentine’s Day to explore some of the forms of love and sexual identity you might not have thought of.


Friday, 15 February 2019

17.30 Presentation by Mario Allegranzi (Philologist of English and Spanish language. Head of cultural programs of Casal Lambda and creator of the audiovisual virtual platform L’Amore È Uguale Per Tutti).

Genderbende, Sophie Dros, the Netherlands, 2017, 68 min, Spanish subtitles

This film is a story about five young people who neither feel male nor female, but rather position themselves somewhere in between. Every day they are confronted with being different, yet they are proud to be who they are. The young people portrayed in this film all have their own struggles and together they create a compelling story about acceptance.

Genderbende plays with the curiosity, interest and incomprehension of anything outside the mainstream gender norm. Isn’t everyone’s gender actually «fluid»? Wouldn’t it be liberating if we could break the narrow-mindedness about gender? These five «gender fluid» characters make us question our sometimes rigid society and offer a moment of reflection: how male or female are you? It’s about celebrating the individual.



Plan B, Marco Berger, Argentina, 2009, 103 min, Original version

Bruno feels depressed when he is abandoned by his girlfriend. But after his apparent calm he plans a sweet and cold revenge. They still meet from time to time, but she is already dating Pablo and building a new relationship with him. Aiming to separate them, Bruno becomes friends with Pablo, and then the unexpected possibility of an even more effective plan B arises. This plan will leave him questioning his own sexuality.

Original, cruel and delicious, we had never seen a film with such a display of spontaneity and daring between two actors in such seductive and detailed roles and such realistic dialogues.


Saturday, 16 February 2019


Selection of short films, 80 min

Edén by Fabio Freitas, Big Time by Solani Gulati, Golden by Julia You, Todas solas by Zaida Carmona, Andamio by Juanma Carrillo, Hora by Yoav Brill, The moment that passed by Mikael Bundsen, Un mes y dos días by Silvana Lopa and Metube by Julia You.


17.30 Presentation by María Pujol Fernández (Social and Cultural Anthropologist, member of Casal Lambda and collaborator of FIRE!!)

Appropriate Behavior, Desiree Akhavan, USA, 2014, 86 min, Spanish subtitles

The directorial debut of Desiree Akhavan is a profound, dynamic and fun film that is full of life. She has dared with the script, the interpretation and direction. In an intimate and personal story, we are faced without drama to the confusion of a Persian girl integrated without complexes in the most modern Brooklyn. A girl who is neither too Persian, nor too gay, nor too straight, nor too anything; she is a girl who just wants to be free and understand.

This is a jewel of American indie cinema, focusing this time on female emotions and the intricate processes of falling in love, breaking up, overcoming and reconciliation. No doubt this is one of the most fresh and genuine films ever programmed in FIRE!!



Spork, J. B. Ghuman Jr., USA, 2010, 86 min, Catalan subtitles

Spork is possibly one of the most uninhibited films ever programmed in FIRE!! Unconventional and foul-mouthed, this independent musical comedy tells the story of a freaky and marginal teenager. She is a clumsy high-school student lost between her gender identity —she’s a hermaphrodite— and the general stupidity that surrounds her at school, where she’s constantly bullied, something she overcomes with an enthusiasm fuelled by music and sport.

This colourful and tender comedy is wild but profound, and it offers a top-level soundtrack and a visual style that make it unmissable. Just like its main character, the film is funny, moving and full of talent and tenderness. Delicious chewing gum in a pop style.


Loves on FIRE!! is a series of films organized by the CCCB in collaboration with the FIRE!! the Barcelona LGBT Film Festival.

This activity is part of Amors on FIRE!!

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