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© Lewis Joly

Online streaming, with no in-person attendance, via the CCCB website.

Change the Story

Lecture by Stefano Mancuso

Vegetal Future



On the occasion of the publication in Spanish of his most recent book La nación de las plantas (The Nation of Plants, Galaxia Gutenberg 2020), the writer and researcher Stefano Mancuso, a pioneer in the field of plant neurobiology and one of its most influential popularisers, will offer his revolutionary views on the plant world.

Stefano Mancuso is a staunch believer in the intelligence of plants. In his long career he has revealed the ability of plants to understand their surroundings and communicate with each other. Having studied their behaviour and organisation, he suggests how human perception of the plant world must change, and also offers some guidelines for facing the challenges raised by the future.

This lecture will be broadcasted online, with no in-person attendance, via the CCCB website. If you had bought your ticket online, you will receive its amount back. For other cases, you should address to the CCCB ticket offices. (Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona - – 933 064 100).

Presenters: David Guzman

Participants: Stefano Mancuso

This activity is part of Change the Story, Thinking About the Pandemic

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Stefano Mancuso

Vegetal Future

On the occasion of the publication in Spanish of his book La nación de las plantas (The Nation of Plants, Galaxia Gutenberg 2020), the writer and researcher Stefano Mancuso, a pioneer in the field of plant neurobiology and one of its most influential popularisers, offers his revolutionary views on the plant world.

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