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Xcèntric. 14th season 2014-2015

José Antonio Maenza

Xcèntric, the CCCB's cinema


José Antonio Maenza, a brilliant, ground-breaking filmmaker and fabulist from Aragon, is a vital yet almost unknown figure in Spanish independent cinema of the sixties. El lobby contra el cordero is his first film, made in Saragossa (1967-1968). This work brings up many of the ideas that were to accompany him in his short but intense career: revolution, sexuality, Marxism, Situationism, happening, performance, ritual, representation, collage...The film is part of the film series alô alô mundo! cinemas de invenção na geração 68 (hello hello world! film of invention in the 68 generation) curated by Marc Martínez and Paola Marugán. The cycle will also take place in Barcelona (Catalonia Film Library, Halfhouse and Palomar) Valencia and Madrid.


El lobby contra el cordero, José Antonio Maenza, 1967-1968, video, 100 min, silent.

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