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NOW 2010

Complex networks: from the genome to the Internet



Ricard Solé, researcher and professor, will talk about the science of networks.


In what way do we relate to each other on the social networks? What makes the Internet so fast and, at the same time, so fragile? Why do social networks jam the ecosystems and societies? How has technology or the brain evolved? The study of the architecture of the networks that defines the interaction between genes, individuals and neurons has revealed amazing likenesses between apparently dramatically different systems. Knowing this architecture allows us to understand the workings of many systems, how they manage to organize themselves and which their weak points are. They also show us the need to abandon a reductionist perspective and embrace the world's complexity under a system stand.

Participants: Ricard Solé

This activity is part of NOW. March 2010, NOW 2010

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Lecture by Ricard Solé

Ricard Solé, researcher and professor, talks about the science of networks.

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