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Cinema 3/99

"Colors come together" workshop

Creation of a film without a camera, by Mariquiña Díaz


Family workshop to experiment with colors and cinema without a camera.

Accompanied by the artist Mariquiña Díaz, in this workshop we will explore the extraordinary facts that are hidden in the everyday. We will do this by observing the colours that appear in the space around us and the relationships we can find there. A small detail like the colour, in relation to other similar colours, can become the start of our most creative stories. Based on this observation of how the colours around us mix and relate, we will create a film without a camera.

This workshop is in relation to the projection “Los colores se juntan”, by Mariquiña Díaz, a piece that takes us on a walk through the city with our eyes wide open to the fortuitous encounters between colours that occur in our everyday life.

Participants: Mariquiña Díaz

This activity is part of Cinema 3/99

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