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Sunday in the Courtyard

Coexistence, Collusion and Tattoos

Begoña Méndez, Nadal Suau, Andreu Navarra & Beatriz García Guirado


Free with pre-booking

A conversation between Begoña Méndez, Nadal Suau, Andreu Navarra and Beatriz García Guirado.

At a time when paradox has become an essential tool for understanding the world, we propose a four-way dialogue (or two-way, depending on how you look at it) between Begoña Méndez, Nadal Suau, Andreu Navarra and Beatriz García Guirado to discuss what a couple is and to what extent an institution like marriage can evolve against the system.   

Begoña Méndez and Nadal Suau have just published El matrimonio anarquista [The Anarchist Marriage] with the publisher Hurtado & Ortega.

This activity is part of Sunday in the Courtyard

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