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Science Friction

Bioscope: Imaginary Creatures

Create and animate your own imaginary creatures

Education + Audiovisuals

What would the microscopic, medium-sized and gigantic beings that could live in extreme conditions on planet Earth or Mars be like? With Bioscope: Imaginary Creatures, you can create and animate your own Martian creatures. How? By using your imagination and filmmaking techniques such as stop motion or artificial intelligence. With all the species you invent and send us, we’ll form a great atlas of imaginary beings.

On the Bioscope website you’ll find instructions for creating and animating your imaginary beings. You can do it at home or at school, or sign up for some of the workshops we’ll be organizing at the CCCB. The workshops are aimed at families, primary and secondary school groups and training cycles who apply to the Education Service (write to

What is Bioscope. Interspecies?

Bioscope. Interspecies works like an audiovisual laboratory that provides the tools and resources to experiment, using the possibilities of animation and artificial intelligence, with the creation of new lifeforms.

All the animation works you send will go to make up an atlas of imaginary beings or a moving biological mosaic.

A fun, creative way of trying out, at home or at school, different ways of relating to other living species.

Why do we use animation?

Animation is a filmmaking technique based on recreating movement. Unlike conventional cinema that captures what it sees, animation creates movements from scratch. Thanks to animation we can imagine things that don’t exist, bring objects to life or anthropomorphize living beings. That’s why animation is a great tool for recreating strange new lifeforms.

We take the opportunity offered by animation to rethink the way we inhabit the Earth and relate to other living species, as proposed in the exhibitions "Mars.The Red Mirror" and "Science Friction. Life among Companion Species".

Let’s imagine a new relation with other species

Humankind has populated Mars with all kinds of living beings that have fuelled an imaginary rich in mythological, fantastic, popular and scientific references. This Martian imaginary draws on, among other things, the lifeforms that inhabit our earth.

The exhibition "Science Friction" (June 2021) will also look at the importance of coevolution: the interchanges, mutations and symbioses between species. In short, collaboration between species. Focusing on these other forms and their importance is also a way of rethinking the leadership we humans have accorded ourselves within the animal kingdom. Placing the focus on the rights of nature and biocentrism, as opposed to present-day anthropocentrism, allows us to observe life on Earth in a different way and imagine the coevolution of future forms.

Participants: Estampa, Alex Richter-Boix

This activity is part of Science Friction

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Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation