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NOW 2008

Atlas of the Radio-Electric Spectrum

A project by José Luis de Vicente, Irma Vilà and Bestiario

Courses and workshops + Festivals

Rarely do we pay attention to what is happening in radio-electric space, in spite of the fact that we could not live without it. From mobile phones to aviation, from the Internet to radio and television; more and more things depend on this part of the electromagnetic spectrum.


The Atlas of the Radio-Electric Spectrum is an interactive installation that visually represents the structure and topology of this invisible space, the assignation of the range of frequencies for the different communication protocols and the cultural, scientific and artistic interventions that currently exist within it.

Every day at 5 pm, the leaders of this project, José Luis de Vicente and Irma Vilà, will offer a guided visit to the installation, showing its navigation system and commenting on the information it includes.

This activity is part of NOW. April 2008, NOW 2008

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation