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Talks for secondary students

A morning with Yayo Herrero

Rethinking our relationship with the planet


In this session with secondary school students, the anthropologist, engineer and ecofeminist activist Yayo Herrero, a leading figure in this field in Europe, will be talking to us about how we can rethink our relationship with the planet by adopting an ecofeminist approach, proposing alternative forms of economic and political reorganisation to recreate the broken bonds between humankind and nature.

According to Yayo Herrero, since its classical roots Western society has always viewed nature from a stance of superiority, exteriority and instrumentality. Hegemonic economics, culture and politics all work against the material bases that sustain life. This ecological illiteracy has prevented us from understanding that we are radically eco-dependent and interdependent beings, and has led to what Herrero regards as a war on life. At a time when the planet is undergoing a far-reaching ecological crisis, with daily reports of climate emergency but also of social and democratic emergency, ecofeminism emerges as a many-faceted trend of thinking and social movements that proposes alternative means for a personal, social and political transformation that put life back at the centre.

With the emergence of youth movements such as FridaysForFuture and their demonstrations calling for real action in response to climate change and mobilising thousands of students worldwide, including Barcelona, it is important to rethink our relation with the planet in a conversation with its youngest inhabitants, who are proving to be very much aware of the state of health of the environment.

Yayo Herrero is an anthropologist, technical agricultural engineer, social educator and ecofeminist activist. Her research centres on the present-day ecologic crisis of the capitalist development and production model. She is currently a collaborator with the UNESCO Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (UNED), and was formerly state coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción and director of FUHEM. She has contributed to books such as Cambiar las gafas para mirar el mundo (Libros en Acción, 2011), La gran encrucijada (Libros en Acción, 2016), Petróleo (Arcadia, 2018) and Canvi climàtic (Litera Libros, 2019), with reflections on today’s civilisation crisis and ecological collapse.

Presenters: Laura Huerga Ayza

Participants: Yayo Herrero

This activity is part of Talks for secondary students

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A morning with Yayo Herrero

Rethinking our relationship with the planet

The anthropologist and engineer Yayo Herrero talks with secondary school students about how we can rethink our relationship with the planet by adopting an ecofeminist approach, proposing alternative forms of economic and political reorganisation to recreate the broken bonds between humankind and nature.

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