
Michael John Gorman

Director, Science Gallery Dublin

Passionate about experimenting in the boundary zone between science, art and entrepreneurship, Michael John Gorman has directed the Science Gallery since 2007. He previously was Senior Manager for Young People's Programmes with the Irish government's science awareness programme Discover Science and Engineering (, and worked on projects including SAVE THE ROBOTS, a festival and exhibition of robotic art (

He was Lecturer in Science, Technology and Society at Stanford University for three years and has published widely on the history of science and technology in journals including Nature, Science and Leonardo. Gorman has held fellowships at MIT's Dibner Institute, Harvard University, and the Museum of History of Science in Florence, and holds a B.A. in physics and philosophy from Oxford University and a PhD in History of Science from the European University Institute in Florence. He is the author of the book Buckminster Fuller, Designing for Mobility (2005).

Takes part in
Networks, Nodes and Bridges The Connections Between Art, Science, Technology and Design