
Joan Serra Capellera

(Olot, Spain, 1957)

He has an Arts degree and is a psychopedagogical adviser in the Department of Education. He has worked with different public universities and teaches at the University of Girona. A specialist in the psychology of language and the processes of individual and community constructions, he has written essays and research papers as well as numerous articles in specialist reviews.

Interested in the processes of artistic creation, he has participated in the initiatives of Factoria de les Arts, Llauró, 12 cites and Panorama Escena. Founder of the review Gra de Fajol, he has been an active participant in regional publications with reviews such as L'Olotí and is on the advisory board of Transversal. He is presently director of the review Àmbits de Psicopedagogia. Revista Catalana de Psicopedagogia i Educació.

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