
Guillermo Altares

(Madrid, Spain, 1968)

A journalist, hee has been editor-in-chief of Babelia, the cultural supplement of the daily El País, since November 2007 when he was given the task of overseeing its revamping. Before working with Babelia, he was an editor and reporter in the newspaper's International Section, for which he covered such events as the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001, the post-war situation in Iraq in 2003, Israel's war against Lebanon in 2006 and the French presidential elections of 2007. Before joining El País, he worked in the Agence France Presse office in Madrid and for the now non-existent newspaper El Sol.

He has written the book Esto es un infierno. Los personajes del cine bélico (This Is Hell. War Film Characters, 1999) and was co-author of the essay Imágenes del mal (Images of Evil, 2003).

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