
Gerardo Caetano

Historian and political analyst, professor at the University of the Republic (Uruguay).

(Montevideo, Uruguay, 1958). A historian and political analyst, he is Professor of Political Science and academic coordinator of the Political Observatory of the Institute of Political Science at the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Among his other activities, he is academic director of the Centre for Training in Regional Integration (CEFIR), president of the UNESCO Centre of Uruguay since it was founded in 2003, and member of the National Academy of Letters of Uruguay. Notable amongst his recent titles are Técnica legislativa. Teoría, métodos y aspectos político-institucionales (Legislative Technique: Theory, Methods and Politico-institutional Aspects – co-authored with Óscar Sarlo, PNUD, 2010) and Gobernabilidad democrática y ciudadanía en América del Sur. Impactos políticos de la crisis global (Democratic Governability and Citizenship in South America: Political Impact of the Global Crisis – FLACSO, 2010).

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