
Elisabeth D. Inandiak

(Bron-Rhône, France, 1959)

Elisabeth D. Inandiak has lived in Java, Indonesia, for the last twelve years. She has produced numerous reports around the world for the printed media and the radio: Libération, Actuel, Le Monde, Marie-Claire, Elle, Télérama, Géo, France Culture, amongst others. She has been correspondent for Courrier International, Indonesia, since 1997.
She has published Sa Majesté-Titi les Graffitis (1983); L'Ogre-Capitaine (1987); Les Enfants du Monde (1989), with lithographs of sculptor Rachid Khimoun; Château Rouge (1990); Le Banian Blanc (1998), a book on myths and legends surrounding the Merapi volcano (central Java), with illustrations by painter Heri Dono, and Le Livre de Centhini ou Les chants de l'île à dormir debout (2002), an adaptation of the great Javanese odyssey.

She translated into French the work Fables, by Chinese-Singaporian writer Tan Swie Hain. She has written four film scripts. The last of these, La Petite Prairie aux Bouleaux (2002), was directed by Marceline Loridan and selected for the Berlin Festival 2003.

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