Permanent Spaces

Queries & Downloads

Queries & Downloads is a space of dialogue between the groups, collectives and institutions linked to the CCCB.

NOW aims at promoting and activating the dialogue and mutual knowledge between the different groups and collectives associated to the CCCB, with different kinds of participation depending on their affinities, means, networks, archives and interests.

  • November 29, 30 and December 1, 2007

    NOW in process

    Seven screens featuring the seven main NOW themes. An audiovisual installation reviewing the different forms taken by this project, featuring exclusive interviews with artists, scientists, intellectuals and activists. An overall summary of the crises and challenges that define planetary culture in the 21st century.

    With interventions by Rebecca Allen, Roy Ascott, Noam Chomsky, John Gray, Alexander Hacke, Stephan Harding, Natalie Jeremijenko, Steven Johnson, Naomi Klein, Frederic Lenoir, Gilles Lipovetsky, John Maeda, Michael Moore, Jesús Mosterín, David Peat, Artur Serra, Vandana Shiva, Joost Smiers, Paul Toyne, Alfonso Valencia, Gianni Vattimo and Victoria Vesna.

  • April 3, 4 and 5, 2008

    NOW in progress

    Seven screens featuring the seven main NOW themes. An audiovisual installation reviewing the different forms taken by this project, featuring exclusive interviews with artists, scientists, intellectuals and activists. An overall summary of the crises and challenges that define planetary culture in the 21st century.

    With interventions by Rebecca Allen, Roy Ascott, Noam Chomsky, John Gray, Alexander Hacke, Stephan Harding, Natalie Jeremijenko, Steven Johnson, Naomi Klein, Frederic Lenoir, Gilles Lipovetsky, John Maeda, Michael Moore, Jesús Mosterín, David Peat, Artur Serra, Vandana Shiva, Joost Smiers, Paul Toyne, Alfonso Valencia, Gianni Vattimo and Victoria Vesna.


  • November 23, 24 and 25, 2006

    Bank of Common Knowledge (BCC)

    A project

    What would you like to be able to do but have never found someone to explain it to you? How many things are you sufficiently expert in to be able to teach them to someone else? Do you know someone who knows or does something valuable, intriguing or special? Can you use your P2P not just to share and consume knowledge, but also to produce and swap it?

    BCC is a pilot project on the exchange economy, an initiative to make the most of and to collectively index the new, self-generated knowledge that has emerged as a result of the widespread mastery of new technology and digital networks.

    BCC is a training ground for prosumers (producers - consumers), a field of collective action based on the transfer of knowledge and mutual education, a laboratory for conducting experiments with citizenship and new ways of producing, learning and involvement.

    BCC combines the organisation of activities in an open modular space divided into capsules of information, in which experiences in sharing are presented, with workshops, free consultations with experts, the dissemination of audio-visual productions and live demos, and the practical desire to share information, tools and applied knowledge that take the form of a series of handbooks on urban and digital survival.


    Sonoscop Archives

    A selection from the Sonoscop Archives centred on microwave radio waves, a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum which, even though it is not audible, is of special importance to the creation of sound.