
Sunday 02 December, 18:30

The latest US experimental film

50th Ann Arbor Film Festival 16mm Tour Program

This programme offers a panorama of very recent works by foremost experimental filmmakers in the United States. It includes pieces of animation, appropriation or documentaries by authors already known to Xcèntric (such as Jennifer Reeves and Robert Todd) and many others who we will discover in this screening.

Passage Upon the Plume, Fern Silva, 2011, silent, 7 min; Tokyo-Ebisu, Tomonari Nishikawa, 2010, 5 min; Point de Gaze, Jodie Mack, 2012, silent, 5 min; A Preface to Red, Jonathan Schwartz, 2011, 6 min; Under the Shadow of Marcus Mountain, Robert Schaller, 2011, silent, 6 min; Curious Light, Charlotte Pryce, 2011, silent, 4 min; The Electric Embrace, Norbert Shieh, 2011, silent, 2 min; Craig’s Cutting Room Floor, Linda Scobie, 2011, 2 min; Undergrowth, Robert Todd, 2011, 12 min; Landfill 16, Jennifer Reeves, 2011, 9 min [screening en 16 mm].