
Saturday 24 January, 18:00

Poetry Slam Barcelona

Creation centered on the word & the stage

Poetry Slam Barcelona celebrates its first contest of 2015 and the penultimate session of this season. Half poem, half performance, the Poetry Slam is a poetic contest with a lively, dynamic, participatory format that creates a new relation between the public and the poets. The project combines the word and the stage at the centre of a new cultural proposal, using the slam and the spoken word as recourses for developing and promoting expression and communication in a performance space. It is a social network of creators/poets for whom the use of language, particularly the poetry slam, is a tool to develop their creativity and the focus of a space of social relation and exchange.

The slamers for this sesion are: Cysko Muñoz, Salva Soler, Clara Bafaluy, Isa García, Iñaki Nazabal, Esteve Bosch, Miguel Ángel González, Mireia Torralba, Jomi Garber, El Príncipe de los gatos, Yolanda Gutiérrez and Mayde Molina.