
Sessions start at 4 p.m.

L'Alternativa 2010

17th Barcelona Independent Film Festival

The Barcelona Independent Film Festival, L'Alternativa, is a must for all lovers of a form of cinema that promotes an innovative creative language and rescues important authors from oblivion. The festival is now in its 17th year with a bold, committed programme of Official Sections, Parallels and Foyer Screen. Plus round tables, conferences for professionals, a master class, a Film Music seminar and free training activities at Film Schools.

More information: http://www.alternativa.cccb.org



La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu
With the collaboration of
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Other credits:

With the collaboration of Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Diputación de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, Ministerio de Cultura, MEDIA, Goethe-Institut, Casa América, Institut Français, Secretaria de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya,