
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.




Now summer’s here, get out of the office!

Next Monday, 5 July, the C3Bar (the CCCB’s bar) will be the venue for the latest breakout, a day of work outside the office for freelancers in different fields. Come and share what you know and what you want to do with other people who want the same, in an informal environment. You can continue the work started in the workshops or work groups organized as part of the I+C+i cycle or previous Breakouts, join other groups or start new ones with your own ideas and projects.


• What is a breakout?

A breakout is a temporary appropriation of public space for co-working and joint projects between various freelancers, but it is also a series of theories and practices linked with organizational innovation and the open dynamics that characterize the knowledge society.

• What do I have to do to come to Breakout 6.0?

Send an email to [email protected] telling us that you’re coming. You don’t have to stay all day: you can drop into the C3Bar at any moment between these times: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 3.30 to 6 p.m.

• What should I bring?

Just your laptop, a project you’re working on and an interest in meeting people!


Soon we’ll have more details about the organization of Breakout 6.0. And, of course, you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter (#bocor).


See you at the CCCB!!!



Citilab, CCCB Lab