
Thursday 26 June, 19:30

BCNmp7 Take-away Concerts

BCNmp7 aims to highlight the musical specificity that exists in Barcelona, without forgetting the increasingly intense communicating arteries between cities, regions and global tendencies.


Session 4


Changes in musical distribution and production, together with the inrush of social networks, web 2.0, have led to a new format of concert. Websites such as the French Le Blogotheque or the English Black Cab Sessionshave managed to get groups out of the studios and traditional venues by inviting them to play in urban locations in front of accidental audiences. In the session of BCNmp7 they will explain their projects, we will see the latest recordings made in Barcelona and performances by Russian Red and Lonely Drifter Karen.


Video Russian Red (Youtube)

Video Lonely Drifter Karen (Youtube)