Espais permanents

Container de Paradigmes (CdP)


  • Magdalena Starska
    Paradigma nou:
    - Believe that you are just that special like everyone else. Loose your need to demonstrate your speciality as an act of desperation.
    - There is a necessity to give people new forms in a ??? to refresh sensitivity and to remind where the impulse to create a form came form. Esthetic forms kills connection with our sense of beauty and fantastic perception of life. The secret is good.
    - Almost fall sleep when you will remind yourself that with the body you can travel, lift up your head. The first object you will see you will touch. Play with it!
    Paradigma vell:
    - It is cool to be individual. Be shiny and different than the others. Now, you can feel strong.
    - Be useful to the society and help them to understand you. Help them and start to build a part of the society. Economically peacefully.
    - If you want to build, first what you need to do is a concept, than (then?) a plan. Now you can start to develop and be free on the base you have build with the plan. Everything needs a reason.
    Paradigma nou:
    - La caverna de Plató: de llum.
    Paradigma vell:
    - La caverna de Plató: d’ombres.
  • Clara Garí Aguilera
    Paradigma nou:
    - La cultura “superior” oferta a tots; universitaris o no, de totes les classes socials. El nivell de recepció és molt baix, o bé, el nivell d’oferta es frivolitza. Els receptors s’ho passen bé i es comuniquen.
    Paradigma vell:
    - La cultura “superior” oferta a uns (molt pocs) estudiants universitaris de classe mitja-alta. El nivell de recepció és molt bo. Els receptors només es relacionen entre ells.
  • Jorge Hernández Cerda
    Paradigma nou:
    - Sistemas culturales integrados. Arte, ciencia , tecnología, religión , ética, derecho, educación, medicina , diseño y economía avanzan dependientemente.
    Paradigma vell:
    - Sistemas culturales aislados. Arte, ciencia , tecnología, religión , ética, derecho, educación, medicina , diseño y economía avanzan independientemente.
Vols enviar-nos algun paradigma? Vols enviar-nos algun paradigma?