
Xavier Duran i Escribā

Xavier Duran i Escribà is a Catalan chemist and science journalist. He has a degree in Chemical Sciences and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He now works in science journalism and as well as writing books of essays, other science-popularising works, and fiction. His titles include L’artista en el laboratori (The Artist in the Laboratory, Bromera, 2007), Connexions ambientals: del repte ecològic al canvi social (Environmental Connections and the Ecological Challenge in Social Change, Empúries, 2000), and El nacionalisme a l’era tecnològica (Nationalism in the Technological Age, 1994), for which he received the Joaquim Xirau Essay Prize. He is editor of the TV3 (Catalan Television) programmes El Medi Ambient (The Environment) and El Temps (The Weather) and also writes for the magazines Serra d’Or and The Alchemist.

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