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Dia Orwell 2024

Artists at Risk Encounters

International Seminar


Free with pre-booking

Artists and professionals from the cultural world discuss art and human rights at an international seminar organized in collaboration with the Artists at Risk network.

Artists at Risk is a global network of cultural institutions and associations working with artists who are persecuted or escaping war or terror. Since 2013, this network has hosted more than 700 artists and cultural professionals.

Over the past four years, thanks to co-funding from the European Union's Creative Europe program, Artists at Risk has expanded its network and carried out international artist residencies and extensive cultural programming together with cultural centers such as the CCCB, Karlsruhe's ZKM and Tunisia's ArtVeda.

In the framework of this collaboration, together with artists and professionals from the world of culture, we meet to reflect on the current situation of artists who have suffered censorship or political persecution and to discuss possible strategies to be deployed from different projects and cultural institutions.

On June 20, we also count with a public conversation.



10.00 – 11.30 Artists at risk

Cèlia Carbonell (Irídia) / Elgio (Singer, Sabadell) / Khanda Hameed (Cultural manager, Kurdistan) and Nabaz Samad (Art critic and translator, Kurdistan) / Shareef Sarhan (Artist, Palestina) / Fernando Paniagua (No Callarem).

What is the current situation of artists who live under persecution or violation of fundamental rights and freedoms? What strategies can be implemented from art to circumvent censorship? Is Europe a space of freedom for those who seek refuge?

12.00 – 13.30 Support networks

Marita Muukkonen (Artists at Risk) y Ivor Stodolsky (Artists at Risk) / Rosa Cerarols (Comisaria en el Konvent) / Helge Lunde (ICORN Director, Red internacional de ciudades refugio) / Gemma Rodríguez (Programa Escriptor perseguit, PEN Català) / Elisabet Goula (CCCB).

What role can cultural institutions or projects play in the defense of human rights? How can we articulate spaces that guarantee creative freedom and articulate long-term support networks?



Pari Banu Asgar (Artist and performer, Azerbaijan), Thais Bonilla (Journalist, Novact), Albert Costa (Trumpeter, No Callarem and Sindicat de Músics), Mahmoud Ghaffari (Film director, Iran), Janina Hilberer (ZKM), Mahnaz Jarchi (Scriptwriter, Iran), Ahmed Mourad Khanfar (Founder of Artveda cultural association, Tunisia), Slava Ptrk (Artist, Russia).


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